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Neha Serene


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Neha Serene

The Coaching Experience You Would Love To Explore

By creating a sacred space of listening, unconditional love & support, where you grow in awareness, presence, and consciousness, and lead from reality, not your conditioned self. You will astound yourself from great to excellent. You will see the probabilities are real. A lot of people make the error to set goals and then lists go on.

What works, Neha? Well, to Identify+ Optimize+ Execute.

I'll coach you in getting clear on your Purpose, regardless of what you desire. It gusts all the way down to your Purpose and bring Legacy in your life. We can together create your paths to fulfill your desire and develop the confidence to make any decision. And enjoy it!!!

When I hear my clients map out their thoughts and feelings, I see the smile because of their clarity and confidence. We celebrate our small wins – It's incredible! I absolutely love coaching – your Success to me - Rewarding.


My coaching takes you from "okay" to "Exceptional." Most of my clients start out already doing well. They're making a living and have moved on … from the feel of void, scared, or this is not enough.

Many self-development workshops, summits, short-lived challenges, and motivational events are exciting, but many folks find they're stuck. Coaching manages your thoughts and provides you with clarity.

I love helping people at every level. I like their sense of accomplishment, and it inspires me in my Holistic Life Coaching – Mind, Body, and Soul. So now, I'd prefer to realize you.


Let's Connect.

Neha Serene
Neha Serene

Transformation Coaching - Book Now

Transform your Deep Life and improve your overall well-being with the power of Deep Life transformational coaching. I will help you break free from old habits and patterns that no longer serve you, and guide you towards healthy and empowering habits that bring you closer to your goals.

Imagine waking up every morning feeling energized, motivated, and in control of your life, knowing that you are making positive and sustainable changes to your Deep Life. You can feel more confident, energized, and in control of your life, and enjoy the many benefits that come with living a mindful, balanced, and fulfilling life.

So why wait? Take the first step towards a happier and healthier Deep Life by investing in Deep Life transformational coaching today.

Stage 1: Transitional Phase

It is a time of your transition from the old ways of being to the new ways. It can be marked by feelings of discomfort, uncertainty, and even resistance. During this phase, you may have to let go of old beliefs, habits, and patterns that no longer serve you. You may experience a sense of loss or grief as they say goodbye to you, but at the same time, you are also creating space for new possibilities and growth. I will help you to navigate the transition phase with greater ease and support to move through any resistance or challenges that arise and to stay focused on your goals and vision for your new life.

Stage 2: Transformation Phase

In this phase of your Transformational Journey, a holistic approach that takes into account your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. You will identify the values, beliefs, and assumptions and create a deeper understanding of yourselves and your motivations. The self-awareness that will design a meaningful and sustainable change that will empower your areas of life.

Neha Serene
Neha Serene

Empath Coaching - Book Now

The What!

In Empath coaching, I help empaths, or highly sensitive people, to understand and manage their empathic abilities in order to lead fulfilling and empowered lives.

The Why!

Empaths are people who are highly attuned to the emotions and energy of others and may have difficulty differentiating their own feelings from those of others.


I will help you to develop a greater sense of self-awareness and self-care, as well as strategies for managing your emotions and energy in relationships and in the workplace. As your personal coach, I will provide tools and techniques for setting healthy boundaries, managing stress, and improving communication skills.

The Outcome!

The ultimate goal of empath coaching is to help you leverage your unique abilities to become successful and impactful leaders in your personal and professional lives. Together we will develop strategies for achieving your goals and fulfilling your purpose while staying true to their empathic nature.

Neha Serene
Neha Serene

Mindset Coaching - Schedule Your Call Now!

The What!

In Mindset coaching, I help my clients shift their thinking patterns and beliefs to achieve their desired goals. I can help you to identify these barriers, challenge them, and develop a plan of action to move forward.

The Why!

Mindset coaching is for you if you want to achieve personal or professional goals but feel stuck or held back by your own limiting beliefs or negative self-talk.

The How!

I utilize the techniques, tools, and strategies to support my clients in creating a positive and empowering mindset to reframe their thoughts and beliefs.

The Outcome!

I can help you transform your mindset and achieve your desired outcomes in life. A few cherries -
The clarity on your Goals and Priorities,
Improved Relationships with yourself and others
Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem.
And so much more

Neha Serene
Neha Serene

Executive Coaching - Schedule Your Call Now!

I work one-on-one with an executive or senior leader to help them improve their performance, leadership skills, and overall effectiveness. The goal of executive coaching is to help you to achieve specific outcomes that you may struggle with in your day-to-day life.

I have a structured process that begins with a needs assessment to identify areas for improvement, followed by the development of a customized coaching plan tailored to the individual's goals and objectives.

Executive coaching can help leaders to develop a range of skills, including communication, problem-solving, strategic thinking, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. It can also help you to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain work-life balance.

Good to know information, many organizations now offer executive coaching as part of their professional development programs, and many executives seek out coaching on their own to help them achieve their personal and professional goals.