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Neha Serene: Inspiring Lives, Igniting Transformation

Neha Serene – A Coach by the GUT, Trainer By HEART, Mentor by BRAIN, and a Bathroom Reader - Ah! FUN & LEARN 😊

My Coachee: It often happens when I am alone in my room. I stare at the wall; I feel empty inside. And then I got you! Now in the back of my mind – I hear my conscience call.” Thank you, Neha.”

Neha: “I am usually altruistic", so that is quite a compliment.” 😊

Hi, I am Neha - A genuine soul traversing the magnificent menagerie of life, cherishing every moment in this awe-inspiring dimension of the realm we call Earth.

Within the depths of my being, I embody various roles—an enchanting blend of a coach, a trainer, an L&D professional, an anthologist, and a teacher. With unwavering devotion, I embrace and celebrate the profound value and continue to publicly accept & glorify the immense significance of the wisdom and the art of Humanness.

I welcome you to unmoor Your Inner Potential and Step into a world of self-discovery and transformation with Neha.
Meet Neha Now!

But wait... 👋 What makes me qualified to coach you?

I am a certified coach and a beacon of inspiration with a vibrant array of qualifications and a deep-rooted passion for helping others, I combine my coaching, mindfulness, and psychology expertise to unlock the limitless possibilities within YOU.

My journey to becoming a trusted guide and mentor has been one of dedication and relentless pursuit of knowledge. As a certified coach recognized by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and the Global Accreditation Assessment Forum Series (GAAFS), I have honed my skills to empower individuals from all walks of life to reach new heights of personal and professional fulfillment ... Read more

Drawing on my extensive training as a certified Mindfulness practitioner from renowned International Certification Bodies like Skill Central UK and the prestigious ISO 29993-2017, I tap into the power of the mind-body connection. I have masterfully intertwined the principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming as an NLP practitioner with the transformative practice of understanding and changing problematic thought patterns or habits by examining language, non-verbal communication, and values, guiding you to unleash your true potential and achieving lasting impact with success.

I have a passion for understanding the human psyche, which led me to earn a foundation-level certification as a psychology practitioner from the esteemed Achology - The Modern Applied Psychology, UK.

Embracing the importance of career satisfaction, Neha further enhances her repertoire as a certified Advance Career Counselor accredited by the International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) and the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP).

Imagine a symphony of transformation where the conductor, Me (as in Neha), orchestrates change with grace and finesse. At the heart of her mastery lies as I am a certified Change Management professional from APMG, a key that unlocks a world of the value of executive coaching and serves as a secret weapon enabling me to navigate the intricate dance of organizational change with precision and insight. With my profound understanding of change management principles and techniques, I have become a trusted partner for executives seeking to lead their teams through periods of transformation to provide holistic support, seamlessly blending the art of coaching with the science of change. I am skilled to assists executives in navigating the emotional and psychological aspects of change, allowing them to lead with confidence, resilience, and adaptability, cultivate a change-ready mindset, fostering a culture of innovation and agility within their organizations using AGILE in practice evolving business landscape, harmonizing your teams towards a brighter future.

This multidimensional approach enables me to delve into the depths of your unique experiences, beliefs, and thought patterns, illuminating the path to self-awareness and facilitating profound personal growth. That will empower you to navigate the intricate landscapes of your professional journey, aligning your passions and talents to create a fulfilling and purpose-driven personal and professional coaching journey.

Does Neha have real-world work experience?

Yes, of course! With over 12+ years of diverse experience working with individuals from various backgrounds, cultures, and geographical locations, I bring a wealth of wisdom and cultural sensitivity to my training, learning, mentoring, and coaching practice. My empathetic approach fosters a safe and nurturing environment where you can freely explore your aspirations, confront challenges, and embark on a transformative voyage towards self-discovery without a doubt judgment.

What In For ME, Neha?

As you embark on this remarkable journey with ME, you'll unlock the hidden potential that lies dormant within you. Prepare to be captivated by my infectious positivity, unwavering dedication, and profound insights. With Neha as your trusted companion and guide, you'll embark on a remarkable odyssey of self-realization, empowerment, and unshakeable resilience. I welcome you to experience the world you have always desired. Where your dreams transform into reality, and you discover the extraordinary within yourself. Get ready! to rewrite your story and embrace the life you have always envisioned. The transformation starts now.

Know what my Client says!

Thank you for reading 💫
Love and Shine,

Credentials Corner

ICF - Life Coach and TTT Trainer
Skill Central - Certified NLP Practioner
ISO - Certified Mindfulness Practioner
ACHOLOGY - Certified Psychology Practitioner (CBT, MBIT AND MORE ...)
BODHAMI - Certified Career Coach
ISOP - Certified Career Counsellor
IAAP - Certified Career Counsellor
AMPG - Certified Change Management Professional