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Neha Serene
Neha Serene


A Coach, Trainer, Mentor, and a Solopreneur.

I operate on the foundation of love, a passion for what's possible, and an ambition to be an unstoppable force for compassion. I am here to serve.

I am Deep Life Transformative Coach with 12+ years of being a Leadership Strategist, Learning & Development specialist and a pure people person.

But who is Neha Serene . . . really?

Neha Serene
Neha Serene

The Coaching Experience You Would Love To Explore

I am here to serve and am here to make your life easier with the power of clarity. I have designed the coaching to simplify your needs and help you thrive in every aspect of life.

I work closely with you to understand you. Making it confidential and purely personalized by nourishing a tailored experience that delivers transformation to uncover what lies within you. To craft your utmost imperative goal of success "YOU" and "YOUR LIFE"YOUR WAY OF LIFE.

Neha Serene
Neha Serene

Deep Life Transformation Coaching

Transform your Deep Life and improve your overall well-being with the power of Deep Life Transformative coaching. I will help you break free from old habits and patterns that no longer serve you, and guide you towards healthy and empowering habits that bring you closer to your goals. Read More...

Ready to simplify to uncover yourself?

Neha Serene
Neha Serene

Empath Coaching

The What!

In Empath coaching, I help empaths, or highly sensitive people, to understand and manage their empathic abilities in order to lead fulfilling and empowered lives. Read More...

Ready to simplify to uncover yourself?

Neha Serene
Neha Serene

Mindset Coaching

The What!

In Mindset coaching, I help my clients shift their thinking patterns and beliefs to achieve their desired goals. I can help you to identify these barriers, challenge them, and develop a plan of action to move forward. Read More...

Ready to simplify to uncover yourself?

Neha Serene
Neha Serene

Executive Coaching

I work one-on-one with an executive or senior leader to help them improve their performance, leadership skills, and overall effectiveness. The goal of executive coaching is to help you to achieve specific outcomes that you may struggle with in your day-to-day life. Read More...

Ready to simplify to uncover yourself?

Neha Serene

Small Wins – Major Life Transformation: Our Success Story

I highly recommend Neha Serene for anyone looking to improve their linguistic skills. As her coachee, I was thoroughly impressed with her expertise and unique approach. Unlike other coaches, she took the time to understand my specific needs and created a customized program tailored to my requirements.

As a life coach Neha tries to understand the situation of the person & she tries to help with the best possible solution(s).

Being a coach, Neha brings all her skills and abilities to the table as a coach. She is highly focused as well as analytical. Very Energetic & a good person. I wish her the best in all endeavors.

Neha is one of the most exuberant and spontaneous persons I have ever met. She is a brilliant coach with deep insight.

Neha is #MotivationalCoach #GameChanger I am Inspired by her #MagicalSpeech and Influenced by her #Clarity of thoughts. She is #NehaSerene.

It’s no brainer for me to say; Neha saved my life. I am totally a new person with much more clarity and confidence.

Abhilash Jhariya


Kashyap Pandya


Manish Kumar


Pushpita Rana


Ramya Venkat


Lavji Jhingran

Neha Serene

Some Reasons To Choose Neha as Your Coach

In fact, here are a few ways I might be able to help you so come & discover yourself in the pool to enhance your quality of life:

1. Choose a pillar & learn the Three Pillars of Transformation.

2. Reflect and observe how you relate with each of the pillars in life both personally & professionally.

3. Practice to develop that enhances the quality of your life.

4. Have clarity with confidence with more freedom, more flexibility, more clarity, and more joy in your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) What makes online coaching a compelling choice?

1. On-demand Availability: With online coaching, you can access coaching whenever you need it, without having to wait for scheduled sessions. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or frequent travel commitments. Read More...

Q2) How does life coaching stand apart from consulting, therapy, sports coaching, or the role of a best friend?

Consulting: Consultants offer expert advice and solutions in specific fields. In life coaching, the focus is on helping you tap into your own wisdom and resources, empowering you to set and achieve personal goals and make positive changes in your life. Read More...

Q3) What is the reason behind Neha Serene – The Deep Life Transformative Coach do not offer free coaching?

My aim has been to make coaching available to anyone seeking it. Understandably, some may wonder why it's not offered for free. The reason is simple: when individuals have something at stake, they are more likely to engage and complete the necessary tasks. Without putting in the effort, desired outcomes cannot be achieved. My ultimate desire is for you to experience excellent results! Furthermore, I want to ensure that only those genuinely motivated to transform their lives take part. The nominal fee serves as a way to guarantee that participants are genuinely prepared and enthusiastic about making meaningful changes. Read More...

Q4) What’s Neha Serene’s coaching fee as a Deep Life Transformative coach?

When considering the cost of life coaching, it's imperative to understand that it can vary greatly from coach to coach. Several factors contribute to these variations, such as the coach's experience, qualifications, session duration and frequency, coaching approach, and even their location. Typically, life coaching fees can range from approximately $50 to $500 or more per session. It's worth noting that some coaches offer packages or discounted rates for multiple sessions. Read More...

Neha Serene

12 + Years


5000 + Hours of Coaching


800 + Workshop / Training


A Well Trained - Certified Coach

Is this what you're looking for? Schedule here to find out!

Book Your Discovery Call with your pace of time!
Please note: Your appointment will be confirmed shortly, via email and the number you have shared- please be on the lookout. Serious inquiries only! I look forward to "meeting" you soon.

30 Minutes Session

  • On-call Session
  • Online Session available post-discovery call
  • Face to face Session Available only In India post analysis of discovery call
  • Expandable Up to 10 -15 mins

60 Minutes Session

  • On-call Session
  • Online Session available post-discovery call
  • Face to face Session Available only In India post analysis of discovery call
  • Expandable Up to 10 -15 mins
Neha Serene